Thursday, March 26, 2020

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind

 This is a portion of a beautiful Interview that enlightens from Illusions towards Universal Spirituality. So, let's dive in: Link to the interview is given below.

म जब Christian School मा पढ्थे । अनि हाम्रो एउटा chemistry को teacher थियो Dube Brenton भन्ने । उ retire भएर जान लागेको थियो ।
We: सर हजुर संतुस्त भएर जादै हुनुहुन्छ नि?
Teacher: संतुस्त त छु तर एउटा कुरा रह्यो त्यो नि पुरा भएको भए अझै राम्रो हुन्थ्यो
We: सोध्नुस् न हामी बाट सम्भव छ भने भन्नु। हामी दुई जना साथी गएका थियौ ।
Teacher: तिमीहरु दुई जना इसाई भएको भए म खुसी भएर जान्थेँ ।
We: अब हामीले त बचन दिइ हालेका छौ हाम्रोबाट सम्भव छ भने त । अब त ईसाई बन्नु पर्यो । Because we have promised him. सर हामी ईसाई त बन्ने भयौ । त्यतीबेला हामीलाई feel भयो school मा हामी त्यसको target थियौ भनेर नि । Discuss हुन्थ्यो बाइबल class मा अलिअलि discuss गर्थ्यौ । त्यती seriously सोचेन नी हामीले । उसको मनमा रहेछ नि यो केटाहरुलाई मैले Christian बनाउन पाएको भए हुन्थ्यो । English मा हुँदै थियो हाम्रौ कुरा । उ Scotland को teacher थियो Dube Brenton भन्ने । हामीलाई chemistry पढाउँथ्यो । एउटा class Bible को लिन्थ्यो school मा । मैले भने सर हामी Christian त हुने भयौ तर मेरो एउटा सानो कुरा clear छैन Bible को । त्यती clear गरिदिनु भयो भने हामी खुशी खुशी Christian हुन्थेँ । उ त अब Missionary, प्रचार गर्न आएको । एउटा Bible को answer दिनु उसको लागी ठुलो कुरा ‍थिएन ।
Teacher: No, No, Let me have your question.
We: मैले भनेँ सर तपाईको Bible को Saint John को पहिलो verse मा भनेको छ In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. By the word everything was created, nothing was created without word. सृष्टिको आदीमा एउटा शब्द थियो । सर What is that ‘WORD’?
Teacher: Simple question. What is Christ?
We: सर अलिकति सोचेर उत्तर दिनुहोस न¸ भनेँ ।
Teacher: No, No that ‘Word’ is ‘Christ’
We: मैले भने यो ‘C’ ‘H’ ‘R’ ‘I’ ‘S’ ‘T’ शब्द को रचना दुई हजार वर्ष पहिला भयो जब इसामसिहलाई Cross मा चढाईयो । CHRIST means the one who went to Cross to save the people. I know that intended one. तर Bible ले त यो भनेको छैन नि¸ कि दुई हजार वर्ष पहिले एउटा शब्द थियो । ‘In the beginning’ भनेको रचना हुनु भन्दा पहिला थियो¸ BEFORE CREATION थियो । How can that ‘word’ be ‘Christ’ भनेँ नि । अब chemistry को teacher सोच्यो उल्ले ।
Teacher: That word may be ‘यहोवा’
We: मैले भनेँ¸ सर यो Hebrew Language ko word हो । हजुरको science ले भन्छ Hebrew Language को history दश हजार वर्ष पहिलेको हो । त्यो भन्दा पहिले थिएन । Bible ले त भन्दैछ ‘In the beginning’ भनेको ‘the big bang’ हुनुभन्दा पहिला¸ Solar System बन्नु भन्दा पहिला त्यो WORD थियो ।  हो ? अनि भन्दैछ ‘By the word everything was created.’ हामीलाई Chemistry मा पढाउने हो Atom को combination ले यो matter को creation भएको हो । त प्रत्येक Atom लाई त्यो ‘WORD’ ले बनाएको हुनुपर्यो । अनि creator is always within the creation.  त्यो प्रत्येक Atom भित्र त्यो ‘WORD’ हुनुपर्यो । र सर म हजुरलाई त्यो ‘WORD’ सोध्दैछु¸ जो before BIG BANG थियो¸ जो प्रत्येक Atom भित्रमा electron लाई घुमाईराखेको छ । यता हाम्रो स्वासलाई चलाईराखेको छ । What is that ‘WORD’ I am asking you that. उ त confuse भएछ । 
Teacher: I can’t follow what you guys are talking about.
We: मैले भनेँ सर हजुर Limit मा boundaries मा हाल्नुभएको छ । Boundary भन्दा माथि उठ्नुस् । उसले हामीलाई फेरी Christian बन्नु भनेन । उसले हामीलाई उसको Scotland को address दियो ।
Teacher: I am also interested to understand that mystery.
र मेरो भनाईको मतलब जम्मै शास्त्रमा एउटै कुरो छ । त्यो meta physical नजानुन्जेल शास्त्र different लाग्छ ।
Interviewer: उ चाहीँ आजित भयो अब यिनीहरुलाई Christian बनाउन नसकिने रहेछ भनेर । 
Interviewee: उल्ले स्वीकार गर्यो नि something special रहेछ भनेर । मैले पनि Bible को त्यो कुरा बझेको छैन रहेछ भनि accept गर्यो नि । किनकी Bible ले जुन ‘WORD’ को कुरा गर्दैछ त्यल्लाई ‘holy name’ पनि भनिएको छ ।
 एक दिन म Christian हरुको गाडीमा म जाँदै थिएँ । उनीहरु बेलुका प्रार्थना गर्दै थिए hallowed be thy name, father holy name भनेर । र मैले भनेँ मेरो एउटा सानो जीज्ञासा छ भनेर । सोध्नुस् न भने उनीहरुले । मैले भनेँ त्यो ‘Holy Name’ चाहीँ के हो ? Holy name is Holy name भने उनीहरुले । मैले भने Holy name को अर्थ एउटा नाम जो पवित्र छ त्यो ‘H’ ‘O’ ‘L’ ‘Y’ ‘N’ ‘A’ ‘M’ ‘E’ त हैन नि । त्यो त व्याख्या हो । But What is that ‘NAME’ that is ‘HOLY’ ? भनेँ । खोई त्यो त हामीले कहिल्यै सोचेकै छैन भने । 

र यसरी Muslims ले त्यसलाई ‘पाक नाम’ भन्यो । ‘पाक नाम’ भनेको Holy Name हो । हाम्रो रामायणमा भनेको छ सुमिरि पवनसुत पावन नामू हो भनेको छ । एउटा पवित्र नामको सुमिरण गर्नु भन्दैछ । त्यल्लाई पवित्र किन भनेको हो भन्दा खेरी त्यल्लाई मुखबाट जुठो गर्न सक्दैनौ हामी । र त्यो नाम जीब्रोले छुन सक्दैन भनेर पवित्र नाम भनिएको हो । अब्यक्त छ । 

जब बिज्ञान टुंगिन्छ अनि अध्यात्म सुरु हुन्छ-२ Dr JP Agrawal in Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya
 We must save our country from Christian Missionaries and we must create an enlightened population who cannot be easily fooled by agenda based Abrahamic Religion whose sole motto is to divide us and then to easily rule us in the name of God. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

के Jesus ले भनेको मै सत्य हो, मै जीवन हो, मै बाटो हो म बिना भगवानकोमा कोही जान सक्दैन, मात्रै सत्य हो ?

Third eye खोलेपछि देखिन्छ¸ त्यो भर्गोज्योती¸ white bright light देखिन्छ । अनि मनलाई जब त्यसमा एकाग्र गर्छौ, त्यो energy ले दाहीने brain को neurons लाई activate गर्छ । जति practice गर्दै जान्छौं हाम्रो दाहीने brain activate भएर जान्छ । अनि सज्जनो, दाहीने brain को गुण के छ त ? Science ले भन्छ intuition, creativity, hard skills, right decisions, यो कलाहरु, पूर्वको अभाष हुनु, यो सबै दाहीने brain का गुण हुन् । भगवानले special qualities right brain मा राखिदिएको छ, हजुर देब्रे brain ले life बिताउनु भयो भने कहिलेपनि life enjoy गर्न सक्नु हुन्न । कहिले पनि जीवनमा महान बन्छु भनेर कल्पना गर्न छोडिदिनुस् । जीवनमा महान बन्ने हो भने देब्रे र दाहीने दुईटा brain को विकास हुनुपर्छ । दाहीने brain लाई विकास गर्नको लागी हाम्रो भित्रनै एउटा meta-physical process छ । एउटा meta-physical meditation छ । त्यो ध्यान, त्यो साधना समयमा present teacher ले सिकाउँछ ।
             मेरोमा एउटा Christian साथी आउनुभयो, pastor
Pastor: (हाँले भन्नुभयो) तपाईको मानव धर्मले सबै धर्मको शास्त्रलाई सत्य मान्छ हैन ?
Dr. JP Agarwal:  मैले मान्छु भनेँ ।
Pastor: त्यसोभए bible मा पनि जे कुरा लेखेको छ हजुरले सबै सत्य मान्नु हुन्छ ?
Dr. JP Agarwal:  मैले मान्छु भनेँ ।
Pastor: हजुरले bible को सबै कुरा माथि विश्वास गर्नुहुन्छ सत्य हो भनेर ?
Dr. JP Agarwal:  मैले गर्छु भनेँ ।
किन यति थुप्रो सोधेको भनेर मलाई अचम्म लाग्यो र पनि उनिले
Pastor: त्यसोभए तपाई Christian किन हुनु भएन ?
Dr. JP Agarwal:  होइन, bible को कुरालाई सत्य मान्छु, Christian किन हुनुपर्यो ।
Pastor: Bible मा Christ ले भनेको छ । "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father, but by me." मै सत्य हो, मै जीवन हो, मै बाटो हो म बिना भगवानकोमा कोही जान सक्दैन । र हजुरले कि यो bible मा लेखेको ठीक छैन भन्नु पर्यो । सत्य मान्नु हुन्छ भने Christian नभईकन Christ लाई नमानिकन हजुरको कसरी मुक्ती हुन्छ ?
किनकी उसले भन्दैछ No one comes to the father, but by me. मेरो अलावा भगवानकोमा जाने अर्को बाटो छैन । अब त मलाई समातिहाल्यो । मैले कि bible मा लेखेको झुटा हो या अच्छा हो भन्नु पर्यो कि सत्य हो भने म Christian बन्नुपर्यो ।
Dr. JP Agarwal:  Pastor साहब मेरो एउटा problem छ ।
Pastor: के छ ?
Dr. JP Agarwal:  जति म bible माथि विश्वास गर्छु, त्यतिनै म गीता माथि विश्वास गर्छु । अनि गीतामा भगवान कृष्णले यहि कुरा गरेको छ । [सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज | अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच:] सबैलाई छोडेर मेरो शरण लेउ म तिमीलाई मुक्ति दिई हाल्छु । अब मैले त्यल्लाई पनि सत्य मान्दछु ।
             अझैपनि मेरो एउटा समस्या छ । म भगवान Buddha लाई पनि मान्दछु । वहाँले पनि भनेको छ।
संघम शरणं गच्छामि, बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि । मेरो शरणमा आउ, म तिमिलाई Nirvana दिईहाल्छु । मैले वहाँलाई पनि सत्य मान्दछु। अब तीनै जनाको कुरा सत्य मान्दछु के गर्नु ?
Pastor: होईन तीनैजनाको कुरा कसरी सत्य हुन सक्छ ? जब तीनजनाले भन्दैछ म मात्रै गर्न सक्छु भन्दा खेरी तीनवटामा दुईटा झुठा हुनुपर्यो एउटा सत्य हुनुपर्यो ।
Dr. JP Agarwal:  म तीनवटैलाई सत्य मान्छु ।
Pastor: यो कसरी हुन सक्छ ?
Dr. JP Agarwal:  हो हजुरले त्यती नबुझेर नै bible माथि जोड दिनुभएको । 
             हजुरले time factor लाई बुझ्नु भएन । ५०० वर्ष पहिले एउटा doctor present भयो, संसारमा आयो उसले भन्यो म cancer जाती गर्छु भन्यो, उसले cancer जाती गर्यो, त्यो doctor ले सत्य बोल्यो । ३०० वर्ष बादमा एउटा अर्को doctor निक्लिएर आयो उल्ले पनि cancer जाती गर्यो अनि cancer को बारेमा उ specialist थियो । त्यो कुरा पनि सत्य हो । १०० वर्ष बादमा एउटा तेश्रो doctor आयो उल्ले पनि cancer जाति गर्यो, त्यो doctor ले claim गरेको पनि सत्य हो ।
मैले भनेँ भगवान कृष्णले जुन बेला वहाँ संसारमा हुनुहुन्थ्यो त्यतिबेला वहाँले भन्नुभयो आउ मेरो मा म तिमीलाई मुक्ति दिन्छु । किन भने वहाँ समयको महा पुरुष थिए र वहाँले त्यो claim गर्नुभयो । जुन बेला भगवान Buddha आउँनुभयो वहाँले त्यो claim गर्नुभयो । जुन बेला ईशामसिह आए वहाँले त्यो claim गरे । तर आज doctor को photo लाई राखेर मेरो operation गरिदेउ भनेर सक्दैन । हामीलाई जीउँदो त्यही formula मा हिड्ने doctor चाहिन्छ । आज पनि हामीलाई भगवान कृष्ण जस्तो, ईशामसिह जस्तो भगवान राम जस्तो Buddha जस्तो एउटा महा पुरुष खोज्नुपर्यो जसले हाम्रो Third Eye लाई खोलेर जुन ज्ञान अर्जुनले पायो त्यो मुक्तिको बाटो दिने समयको महापुरुष खोज्नुपर्छ । LIVING SPIRITUAL MASTER खोज्नुपर्छ ।
त्यो LIVING SPIRITUAL MASTER हाम्रो सतपाल जी महाराज हो । वहाँले आज Third Eye  लाई practically खोलेर practically त्यो भर्गोज्योती/divine light को दर्शन गराउनुहुनेछ । मैले पाएँ र मेरो जीवन धन्य भएर brain को विकाश गर्ने क्षमता कसरी पाउँदो रहेछ आफ्नो जीवनमा अनुभव गर्नपाएँ । जीवनमा top कसरी जान सक्छ त्यो अनुभव गर्न पाएँ र सज्जनो यहाँलाई मेरो निवेदन छ धर्मलाई theory मा मात्र नराख्नुस् practical मा जानुस् । Meta-physical meditation धर्मको आफ्नो भित्रमा त्यो Third Eye लाई जसलाई हामीले आमाको गर्भमा साधन गरेको थियो त्यो साधनालाई । मैले त्यसको एउटा part लाई मात्र कुरा गरे किन भने समयको अभाव छ । गर्भमा धेरै कुरा हामीले गरेका हुन्छौं । मन्दिरमा त्यसकै प्रतिकमा हामीले बत्ती जलाउँछौं, घन्टी बजाउँछौं, माला घुमाउँछौं अनी पञ्चामृत दिन्छौं । त्यो चारै चीज practically meta-physical form मा आमाको गर्भमा हामीले गरेका थियौं । जुन दिन हामीले असली गुरुलाई भेट्छौं उल्ले त्यो फेरी साधना सिकाईदिन्छ । त्यो हाम्रो वास्तविक उपनयन र ब्रतबन्ध भयो । तब हामी जीवनमा दुईवटा brain को विकास गरेर महान बन्न सक्छौं त्यो भिखारी जस्तो भिख माग्ने नभएर । Science ले के भन्छ, मानिसहरुले महापुरुषहरुले के भन्छ ? PRAYER IS BEGGING, MEDITATION IS RECEIVING WITHOUT PRAYING.  Pray गर्नु भिख माग्नु हो, आफ्नो क्षमता develop गर्यो, meditation गर्यो भने तिमीले नमागीकन सब पाउँछौं । दिने वाला बन्छौ, माँग्ने वाला नबनौं भन्दै म यहाँहरुबाट बिदा माग्छु । धन्यवाद ।

Monday, August 15, 2016

No more hell fire, Osho, The Most Dangerous Man Since Jesus Christ -2

In fact, everything that is pleasant has been destroyed by Christianity. It is said that you

cannot be rejoicing and enjoying life when other people are suffering. What do you mean? -- if other people have cancer, you should have cancer also? If other people are suffering, that does not mean that you should suffer also. You should help the suffering to cut the roots of their suffering. That you don't allow: God has made
them to suffer; they are suffering because it is the will of God, so don't change their suffering but change your joyousness, your cheerfulness, your laughter, your blissfulness. While other people are suffering you are laughing? you are dancing? you are singing?

Christians have made the whole world miserable. The churches are the most sad places; even graveyards are more joyous, with flowers and beautiful trees. Churches ...? I have been into churches. As you enter a church it feels as though you are entering hell -- just the fire is missing, so it is all cold. Perhaps the fuel is finished in hell! -- there is an end to everything. Now be careful: when you go to hell, take woolen clothes with you, because there is no more hell fire, just an eternal winter which goes on getting colder and colder.

What kind of nonsense is this? If other people are sick, do you have to drop your healthiness? If other people are stupid, idiotic, retarded, do you have to drop your intelligence? This is a strange theology of destroying people's happiness. If people are suffering, share your happiness with them, make them also laugh. Cut the roots of their suffering. That seems to be human. This teaching is absolutely inhuman! A few are suffering because God wants them to suffer -- and you have to suffer because Christianity wants you to suffer. Don't laugh, don't smile, don't enjoy anything, don't rejoice .... Then why not commit suicide? For what are you living? Just to watch the suffering of others, and your own? Christianity leaves no other alternative than suicide. It is not an accident that the Western philosophers have come to the point of existentialism, which preaches that suicide is the only way out. It is Christianity deep down which has made the whole world so miserable that there seems almost to be no need to wake up tomorrow morning. For what? just to continue this misery?
And it is strange: on the one hand they say, "Know thy place. God makes everyone as they are ...." Do you see the contradiction? If God has made you a laughing, enjoying, rejoicing person, then this principle does not apply. It only applies to the sufferers: "Don't change your place, suffer. God makes everyone as they are." If it is true, then God has made many people loving, laughing, rejoicing, dancing. Who are you to prevent them? But no, it is not applicable as far as joy is concerned, only suffering. What can be the reason behind it? The reason is clear. Only the people who are miserable will seek the advice of the priests and the popes. Only the people who are miserable can be enslaved, can be told that "You are sheep and we are the shepherds." Only miserable people need salvation. A happy person, a blissful person does not need any salvation. I don't need any salvation! I have solved all my problems. I have found myself. I have found the door to the divine. I don't need any shepherd, and I don't want to be called a sheep. If I had been present I would have slapped Jesus Christ. Christianity has turned lions into sheep. I want you to roar in laughter and joy like lions. Cut the roots of misery, suffering, slavery, all kinds of exploitation. We need a classless society, and ultimately we need a world without any government.

As I entered America, the first question they asked me was, "Are you are a communist?Are you an anarchist?"I said, "Both, and something more."They said, "Something more?"I said, "Yes. Communism is only a step. The Soviet Union has missed, it is just clinging to that step ...."Karl Marx's idea was that as communism settles down, the government will disappear;otherwise, the bureaucrats become the new bourgeois. That is what happened in Russia,that is happening in China. That is going to happen in every communist country. The Communist Party takes the place of the capitalists -- no change. The poor remain the poor. Of course, they are equally poor. The only equality that communist countries know is equality of poverty.I want equality of richness, a rich world -- which is possible, because if we use science and technology not to exploit people but to create more and more wealth, more and more nourishment for people, scientists say we can support through science and technology a seven times bigger population than exists today.But they are being prevented by the churches, by all the religions, by the capitalists. 

The fear is that if there is nobody poor, who is going to go to the church? If there is nobody poor, who is going to pray to God? If there is nobody who is suffering, the priest is not needed. A rich world, an equal world, a world without government, without crime, a world of meditators, a religious world, will not need three hundred religions as they exist today. And Christianity is the biggest religion, of course, and the biggest crime against humankind.

In fact, in the oldest monastery of Mount Athos ... It is near Greece, a sovereign country, it has its own government. It is a thousand-year-old monastery. Once a man becomes a monk in this monastery of Mount Athos, he cannot leave the monastery alive, only his corpse will come out. This they call loyalty. I call it slavery. I call it absolute destruction of freedom of choice -- because tomorrow I may not feel like being in Mount Athos, but I have no choice. They have not only taken my present, they have taken my future also. It is the ugliest place in the world, because no woman has ever entered, has ever been allowed to enter, Mount Athos. You will be surprised: what kind of people are living there? Even a six-month-old baby girl cannot be allowed in Mount Athos. Are these monks or monsters?
But that is not the end of the story.
Have you known females of any kind? I was surprised, I have known only one kind. When I first heard it, I could not believe that there are other kinds of female also. But then I understood there are. ... EVEN BABIES, PET DOGS, CATS OR PARROTS WHICH ARE FEMALE. This can give you a clear-cut indication what kind of people are living there. They are not only homosexuals; the fear is that if even animals enter there which ae female, these monks are not going to leave those animals alone. They will commit sodomy. Sodomy means making love to animals.
And this you call religion? This you call transformation of human beings?
One journalist who has just visited there found that "THERE ARE SOME MEN WHO
WOMAN IN THEIR LIVES" -- not even their mothers. As they were getting out of the
womb, they were immediately transferred to Mount Athos. They have never seen that any
kind of woman exists in the world.
One monk stated to the journalist, "IT TOOK ONLY ONE WOMAN TO UNDO THE
ATHOS." Just one woman, he is saying, destroyed the Garden of Eden; one woman will
destroy Mount Athos. And these are great monks, holy people, loyal to God, constantly
But nothing seems to have changed in their biology, nothing seems to have changed in
their minds, in their dreams, in their imagination. But they are forced, they cannot go out
-- that's why Mount Athos has its own government, its own police, its own guards
continuously guarding the monastery. Nobody can escape out of the monastery. Do
whatever you want to do, but do it in the monastery.
I have heard a few days ago about another monastery where there are one thousand
monks who were divided with a wall, because fifty percent want homosexuality to be
accepted by the church, and fifty percent are against it. Not that they are not
homosexuals, they just don't want to make it public. Keep it quiet.
Christianity and other religions have helped all kinds of sexual perversions in the world --
and they think they have been very beneficial? they have been a blessing to the world?
They are absolutely a curse, categorically a curse, and unless they disappear, man cannot
live in peace.

to be continued.............