Well, this is from an audio discourse titled "God is dead. Now Zen is the only living truth." subtitle: 'God is the business of the priest.' This is one of the incident of Osho's life. This has so many satire and irony everyone should read it.
I am atheist because I do not believe in god. I am spiritual because I'm a part of the existence. Every Saint look serious except Osho. Spirituality does not mean seriousness it is the very core of our life. I don't want my blog to be serious I write because I want to present newer ideas, dimensions to the people so that we can change ourselves and I know that the world's hardest thing to do is to change ourselves. It's very easy to comment or insult others but we have forgotten to look at ourselves that's why we always find our problem outside of us while the solution is within.
Nobody has encountered God -- no Christian, no Hindu, no Mohammedan -- but they have all said 'yes' because the crowd in which they were born was the crowd of theists.
To say 'No' amongst that crowd would have created difficulties for them. 'Yes' was simply the accepted rule of the game. They have worshiped, they have prayed, not knowing why they were doing it But everybody else is doing it so they become certain that it must be right.
The interesting discourse follows as: